
q1 a cross between a short-tailed mouse and a

Q1. A cross between a short-tailed mouse and a long-tailed mouse yields all short-tailed mice. Crosses among the F1 yield an F2 of 48 short-tailed mice and 22 long-tailed mice. Recommend a model (as in diagram the cross) to describe these results.

Q2. The objective of the letter is to visualize a future for sustainable living and make your proposal to the President of the United States in a two-three page paper. The world is becoming single unit in ways that address common problems. Environmental problems are forcing countries to communicate with each other, still reducing their narrow national interest for the good and survival of all. Our national government is finally tackling this problem.

Research global warming on Web and write the final report outlining the path for the U.S. to follow to address the issue of global warming. Include at least three proposals for the US to follow, plus use a minimum of three different websites or books that you will cite in the report. This is the letter to President Obama; use formal salutation and closing.

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Biology: q1 a cross between a short-tailed mouse and a
Reference No:- TGS0448466

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