
Q1- outermost layer thin elastic diminishes as cell

Q1- Outermost layer, thin elastic, diminishes as cell membrane composed of cellulose, hemicelluloses & pectin.

(a)    Primary wall

(b)   Secondary wall

(c)    Tertiary wall

(d)   None

Q2-Middle lamella consists of -

(a)    Ca

(b)   Mg

(c)    K

(d)   Two of the above

Q3- who discovered cell-coat?

(a)    Karl Landerstein

(b)   Nicoloson

(c)    Martinez And Palamo

(d)   None

Q4- Mucin Acid is present in the cell wall of-

(a)    Bacteria and blue-green algae

(b)   Green algae

(c)    Yeast

(d)   all fungi

Q5- Growth of cell wall during elongation takes place by-

(a)    Apposition

(b)   Intussusception

(c)    Both 1 and 2

(d)   Super position

Q6- Plasmodesmata are-

(a)    Pores in cell wall

(b)   Pores in cell membrane

(c)    Protoplasmic connection

(d)   Both 1 and 2

Q7- Lignified cell wall is characteristic feature of-

(a)    Vessels

(b)   Sieve cell

(c)    Sieve tubes

(d)   All of these

Q8- cell wall have how many enzymes-

(a)    20

(b)   30

(c)    40

(d)   More than 50

Q9- Deposition of lignin occurs throughout the cell wall leaving some small thin walled area called-

(a)    Dictyosomes

(b)   Sphaerosome

(c)    Pits

(d)   expansin

Q10- cell membrane is composed of-

(a)    proteins and cellulose

(b)   protein and phospholipids

(c)    proteins and carbohydrates

(d)   proteins, phospholipids and some carbohydrates

Q11- Which of the following is main enzyme of plasma membrane-

(a)    TPP ase

(b)   ATP ase

(c)    Peptidyl transferase

(d)   Catalases

Q12- percentage of intrinsic proteins in total proteins of plasma membrane-

(a)    70%

(b)   20%

(c)    10%

(d)   90%

Q13- Cell wall was discovered by-

(a)    Robert brown

(b)   Malpighi

(c)    Robert Hooke

(d)   Nageli

Q14 Cell wall is-

(a)    Deah and impermeable

(b)   Dead and permeable

(c)    Living and impermeable

(d)   Living and selective

Q15- theory that suggested that plasma membrane is a continuous single layer of lipids-

(a)    Sandwitch or trimellar model

(b)   Unit membrane model

(c)    Lipoidal theory

(d)   Fluid mosaic model

Q16- which is the latest and most widely accepted theory regarding plasma membrane structure-

(a)    Sandwitch or trimellar model

(b)   Unit membrane model

(c)    Lipoidal theory

(d)   Fluid mosaic model

Q17- Carbohydrates are present in the plasmalemma in the form of –

(a)    Hemicelluloses

(b)   Cellulose

(c)    Starch

(d)   Glycoprotein

Q18- synthesis of cell wall membrane takes place in-

(a)    Dictyosome

(b)   Mitochondria

(c)    Lysosome

(d)   E.R.

Q19- which of the following organism has cell wall-

(a)    Euglena

(b)   Mucor

(c)    Mycoplasma

(d)   Amoeba

Q20- According to fluid mosaic model (proposed by singer & Nicolson) Plasma membrane is composed of-

(a)    Cellulose, hemicelluloses

(b)   Phospholipids and integrated Protein

(c)    Phospholipids, extrinsic, intrinsic

(d)   Phospholipids and hemicelluloses

Q21- Torus is composed of-

(a)    Suberin

(b)   Chitin

(c)    Cutin

(d)   Lignin

Q22- carbohydrates which present in the cell membrane take part in-

(a)    Transport of substances

(b)   Cell recognition

(c)    Attachment to microfilament

(d)   Attachment to microtubules

Q23- plasma membrane is fluid structure due to presence of-

(a)    Carbohydrate

(b)   Lipid

(c)    Glyco protein

(d)   Poly saccharide

Q23- The most abundant lipid in cell membrane is-

(a)    Cutin

(b)   Chitin

(c)    Lignin

(d)   Pectin

Q24-cell wall of lignified cell is-

(a)    Semi-permeable and dead

(b)   Permeable and living

(c)    Impermeable and dead

(d)   Impermeable and living

Q25- main component of cell membrane is-

(a)    Cholesterol

(b)   Phospholipids

(c)    Hopanoides

(d)   Proteins

Q26- In the membrane of prokaryote, Cholesterol is absent then what provides stability.

(a)    Phospholipids

(b)   Hopanoides

(c)    Protein

(d)   Carbohydrate

Q27. Which of following boundary is capable of growth, which gradually diminishes as the cell matures?

(a)    Primary cell wall

(b)   Secondary cell wall

(c)    Tertiary cell wall

(d)   Cell membrane

Q28. ____ are helical type of extrinsic protein founds on cytosolic face of membrane.

(a)    Arginine

(b)   Tunnel

(c)    Spectric

(d)   Amphipathic

Q29. The fluid nature of the membrane indicates function of-

(a)    Cell growth

(b)   Cell division

(c)    Endocytosis

(d)   All of these

Q30. Which form of diffusion of protein and lipids is possible in membrane-

(a)    Flip flop

(b)   Rotational

(c)    Lateral

(d)   Both b and c

Q31. Middle lamella is composed of-

(a)    Pectates

(b)   Cellulose

(c)    Lignin

(d)   Proteins

Q32. Plasma membrane is-

(a)    Divisible

(b)   Symmetrical

(c)    Asymmetrical

(d)   Both a and b

Q33. Cell wall is present in-

(a)    Plant cell

(b)   Procaryotic cell

(c)    Algal cell

(d)   All the above

Q34. Unit membrane model of plasmamembrane was proposed by-

(a)    Robertson

(b)   Singer

(c)    Danielli

(d)   Robert hook

Q35. Pasmodesmata name was proposed by-

(a)    Strasburger

(b)   Kolloker

(c)    Meeves

(d)   Altman

Q36. ____ helps maintain the continuity of cytoplasm between adjacent cells.

(a)    Cell wall

(b)   Desmotubules

(c)    Trophoplasm

(d)   Phagosome

Q37. Plasma membrane is-

(a)    Selectively permeable

(b)   Permeable

(c)    Impermeable

(d)   Semipermeable

Q38. Amphiphathic molecules of plasma membrane is-

(a)    Protein

(b)   Carbohydrates

(c)    Phospholipids

(d)   All the above

Q39. Average Thickness of plasmamembrane is-

(a)    70A

(b)   75-100A

(c)    100-150A

(d)   200A


Q40. Pit membrane of simple pit is formed by-

(a)    Secondary cell wall

(b)   Middle lamella

(c)    Primary cell wall

(d)   Plasma membrane

Q41. Cell wall is made up of-

(a)    Several layers of microfibrils

(b)   Several micelle

(c)    Cellulose molecules

(d)   Glucose molecules

Q42. The cell are held together by a Ca-pectate layer called-

(a)    Primary cell wall

(b)   Secondary cell wall

(c)    Middle lamella

(d)   Tertiary cell wall

Q43. Cell wall of prokaryotes is made up of-

(a)    Chitin

(b)   Cellulose

(c)    Glucose amine

(d)   Mucopeptide


Q44. Liquid matrix of cytoplasm except organelles-

(a)    Ground plasma

(b)   Hyaloplasm

(c)    Cytosol

(d)   All of above

Q45. Part of cytoplasm containing organelles & non living Inclusions-

(a)    Hyaloplasm

(b)   Cytosol

(c)    Trophoplasm

(d)   Bioblast

Q46. Organelles are-

(a)    Metabolically active

(b)   Living

(c)    Structures of cytoplasm

(d)   All

Q47. The singers Model of Plasma membrane differ from Robertson’s model in the-

(a)    Number of lipid layers

(b)   Arrangement of Proteins

(c)    Arrangement of lipid layers

(d)   Absence of protein layers

Q48. Ingestion of solid food by Plasma membrane is called-

(a)    Endosmosis

(b)   Pinocytosis

(c)    Cytokinesis

(d)   Phagocytosis

Q49. Ingestion of large molecules  by animal cell is called-

(a)    Diffusion

(b)   Osmosis

(c)    Exocytosis

(d)   Endocytosis

Q50. Plasma membrane exhibits for external substances-

(a)    Impermeablility

(b)   Semi permeability

(c)    Permeability

(d)   Selectively semi permeability

Q51. Endocytosis includes-

(a)    Phagocytosis

(b)   Pinocytosis

(c)    Both

(d)   None

Q52. In fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane-

(a)    Upper layer is non-polar and hydrophilic

(b)   Polar layer is hydrophobic

(c)    Phospholipids form a bimolecular layer in middle lamella

(d)   Proteins form a middle layer

Q53. According to Widely accepted “fluid mosaic model” cell membrane are semi-fluid, where lipids and integral proteins can diffuse randomly. In recent years, this modelhas been modified in several respects. In this regard, which of the following statements is incorrect-

(a)    Proteins can also undergo flip-flop moments in lipid bilayer

(b)   Many proteins remain completely embedded within lipid bilayer

(c)    Peoteins in cell membrane can travel within the lipid bilayer

(d)   Protein can remain confined with certain domains of the membranes

Q54. Which of the following is not constituent of cell membrane?

(a)    Cholesterol

(b)   Glycolipids

(c)    Proline

(d)   Phospholipid

Q55. Who first observed mitochondria-

(a)    C. benda

(b)   F. Meves

(c)    Kolliker.

(d)   Hogeboom

Q56. Term mitochondria was first used by-

(e)   C. benda

(f)     F. Meves

(g)    Kolliker.

(a)    Hogeboom

Q57. Mitochondria was first observed in-

(a) Striped muscles of insects3

(b)   Nymphea

(c)    Both

(d)   None

Q58. The credit for naming mitochondria as “power house of cell” goes to-

(a)    Seikevtz

(b)   Meves

(c)    Altman

(d)   Benda

Q59. In which of the following number of mitochondria is one-

(a)    Microasterians

(b)   Chorella fusca

(c)    Chaos

(d)   Both a and b

Q60. All mitochondria present in cell is collectively called-

(a)    Mitoplast

(b)   Chondriome

(c)    Perimitochondria

(d)   Palade

Q61. Regarding mitochondria which of the following is correct-

(a)    Number 1000-1600

(b)   Usually plant cells have fewer number of mitochondria than animal cell

(c)    In higher animals maximum mitochondria are found in flight muscles of birds

(d)   All

Q62. In order to find out quickly whether the cell are living one must observe-

(a)    Cell sap

(b)   Tonoplast

(c)    Movement of cytoplasm

(d)   Starch granules

Q63. What is correct for the space between membranes of mitochondria-

(a)    Separated by 80-100A

(b)   Required for oxidation of fat and pyruvic acid

(c)    Called perimitochondrial space

(d)   All

Q64. If outer membrane of mitochondria is removed then the structure is called-

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   Mitoplast

(c)    Cristae

(d)   Palade

Q65. Mitochondria are site of respiration first reported by Kingsbury and supported by Hogeboom. Mitochondrial are related with oxidation of-

(a)    Carbohydrates

(b)   Fats

(c)    Proteins

(d)   All

Q66. Many electron carrier cytochromes are arranged in a definite sequence in inner membrane of mitochondria for-

(a)    Polymerase

(b)   Producing energy

(c)    Oxidative phosphorylation

(d)   None

Q67. Elementary particle of mitochondria are-

(a)    F1 particle

(b)   Ribosomes

(c)    DNA

(d)   Lysosome

Q68. Where does TCA cycle takes Place-

(a)    Cytoplasma

(b)   Inner membrane of Mitochondria

(c)    Outer membrane of mitochondria

(d)   Mitochondrial matrix

Q69. F1 particles are composed of

(a)    Pigment

(b)   ATP

(c)    ATPase

(d)   FMN

Q70. DNA present in mitochondria are-

(a)    Helical

(b)   Circular covered

(c)    Helical covered

(d)   Circular naked


Q71. Mitochondrial DNA is ____ % of total DNA in a cell.

(a)    7

(b)   5

(c)    1

(d)   9

Q72.Mitochndrial DNA was discovered by –

(a)    Kolliler

(b)   Nageli

(c)    Nass and Margit

(d)   Both a and b

Q73. Enzymes for replication and transcription of DNA like DNA-polymerase and RNA-Polymerase are found in-

(a)    Cytoplasma

(b)   Inner membrane of Mitochondria

(c)    Outer membrane of mitochondria

(d)   Mitochondrial matrix

Q74. Which one is refereed to as power house of the cell-

(a)    E.R.

(b)   Ribosomes

(c)    Mitochondria

(d)   Golgi body

Q75. ____ helps in vitellogenesis in oocytes

(a)    E.R.

(b)   Ribosomes

(c)    Mitochondria

(d)   Golgi body

Q76. Which of the following sets of cell organelles contain DNA-

(a)    Mitochondria, peroxysome

(b)   Plasma membrane, ribosome

(c)    Mitochondria, choloroplast

(d)   Chloroplast, dictyosome

Q77. Semiautonomous cell organelles is-

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   Ribosome

(c)    Plasma membrane

(d)   Peroxysome

Q78. Baker’s body is another name of-

(a)    endoplasmic reticulum

(b)   golgi body

(c)    lysosome

(d)   mitochondria

Q79. Structure of golgi bodies-

(a)    circular

(b)   ovidal

(c)    pleomorphic

(d)   tubular

Q80. Golgi body are_____ bound cell organelle

(a)    single membrane

(b)   double membrane

(c)    membraneless

(d)   triple membrane

Q81. Chief function of Golgi body is/are-

(a)    secretion of macromolecules

(b)   secretion of zymogen granules

(c)    cell plate formation

(d)   all

Q82. Middle men of cell is-

(a)    E. R.

(b)   Vacuoles

(c)    Lysosome

(d)   Golgi body

Q83. Golgibody is absent in-

(a)    Prokaryotes

(b)   Mature mammalian R.B.C

(c)    Akaryotes

(d)   All of the above

Q84. Which of the following cell organelle is release oxygen?

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   Golgi body

(c)    Chloroplast

(d)   Ribosome

Q85. Lysosomes were discovered by-

(a)    Novikoff

(b)   Porter

(c)    Christian

(d)   Palade

Q86. Lysosome are absent in-

(a)    Prokaryotes

(b)    mammalian R.B.C

(c)    Akaryotes

(d)   All of the above

Q87. In Plant cells ____ functions as Lysosome.

(a)    Golgi body

(b)   Tonoplast

(c)    Cytoplast

(d)   Vacuole

Q88. What is incorrect about Lysosome

(a)    They are circular

(b)   Acid hydrolases absent

(c)    Both

(d)   None

Q89. Telolysosomes are another name of-

(a)    Primary lysosomes

(b)   Digestive lysosomes

(c)    Residual lysosomes

(d)   Autophagic lysosomes

Q90. Lysosomes containing cll organelles to be digested are known as-

(a)    Autophagic lysosomes

(b)   Cytolysosomes

(c)    Autophagosomes

(d)   All

Q91. This is digestion of foreign materials received in cell by Phagocytosis and Pinocytosis

(a)    Autophagy

(b)   Heterophagy

(c)    Crinophagy

(d)   None

Q92. Digestion of old or deal cell organelles.

(a)    Autophagy

(b)   Heterophagy

(c)    Crinophagy

(d)   None

Q93. Excessive secretory granules of hormones in endocrine gland may be digested by lysosomes. This event is

(a)    Autophagy

(b)   Heterophagy

(c)    Crinophagy

(d)   None

Q94. _____ of lysosome digests the tail of tadpole of frog during metamorphosis

(a)    Lynosine

(b)   Terasin

(c)    Cathepsin

(d)   Liapsin

Q95. Biogenesis of lysosomes originates from

(a)    BERL

(b)   GERL

(c)    REBL

(d)   EGLE

Q96. Ergastoplasm is earlier name of –

(a)    Tonoplast

(b)   Cytoplasm

(c)    Vacuole

(d)   E.R.

Q97. E.R. was first observed by-

(a)    Porter

(b)   Garnier

(c)    Palade

(d)   Kolliker

Q98. What is correct about sarcoplasmic Reticulum

(a)    Smooth E.R.

(b)   Occur in skeletal muscles

(c)    Occur in cardiac muscles

(d)   All

Q99. Provides sites for protein synthesis-

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   Golgi body

(c)    E.R.

(d)   Vacuole

Q100. Which one is correct regarding E.R.

(a)    Seems to play role in breakdown of glucose

(b)   Seems to Play role in breakdown of fat

(c)    Seems to play role in breakdown of carbohydrate


(d)   All of the above

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