q write about the assumptions of the theory of

Q. Write about the assumptions of the theory of consumer behavior based on the cardinal utility approach.

1. Rationality- It is assumed that the consumer is a rational being in the sense that he satisfied his wants in order of their preference

2. Limited money increment- He had a limited money income to spend in the goods and services to choose to consume

3. Maximization of Satisfaction- every rational consumer intends to maximize her satisfaction from given money income

4. Utility is cardinally measurable- The cardinalists have assumed that utility is cardinally measurable and that utility of one unit of a commodity equals the units of many which a consumer is prepared to pay for it

5. Diminishing marginal utility- It is assumed that utility gained from the successive units of a commodity consumed decreases as a person consumes them

6. Constant marginal utility of money- It remains constant whatever the level of a consumers income

7. Utility is additive- Not only utility is cardinally measurable, but also that utility derived from various goods and services consumed by a consumer can be added together to obtain the total utility.

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International Economics: q write about the assumptions of the theory of
Reference No:- TGS0330704

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