
q what is the etiology of cholera the most common

Q. What is the etiology of cholera?

The most common cause of cholera is consumption of food or drinking water that has been contaminated with the bacteria. It is important to note that after a disaster such as earthquake, flood etc. this is a very real danger, since regular and clean water and food supplies are often unavailable. The disease can be spread even further by infected people using already dirty water sources to
clean themselves or dispose off the waste.

Man is the main reservoir of K cholerae, who is the carrier. The organisms are transmitted through contamination of food and water by faecal matter. Cholera can be prevented if there is safe disposal of sewage and also through supply of protected water. The good personal hygiene of food handlers also helps in reducing the spread of the disease.

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Biology: q what is the etiology of cholera the most common
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