
q what is subjective performance

Q. What is Subjective performance measures?

Subjective performance measures: Subjective performance measures are ratings that are based on the personal standards or opinions of those doing the evaluation and are not verifiable by the others. A subjective criterion includes:

a. Ratings by the supervisors

b. Knowledge about overall goals

c. Contribution to socio cultural values of the environment

It should be noted that the objective criteria could be laid down while evaluating lower level jobs, which are specific and defined clearly. This is not the case with middle level and higher level positions that are complex and vague.

Comparing actual performance with the standards and discussing the appraisal with the employees: actual performance is compared with the predetermined performance standards. Actual performance may be better than expected and sometime it may go of track. Deviations if any from the set standards are noted. Along with the deviations, the reason behind them are also analyzed and discussed. Such discussions will enable an employee to know his weakness and strengths. Weakness is discussed so that the employee takes interest in improving his performance. He will be motivated to improve himself. The assessment of another person's contribution and ability is not an easy task. It has serious emotional overtones as it affects the self esteem of the appraise. Any appraisal based on the subjective criteria is likely to be questioned by the appraise and leave them him quite dejected and unhappy when the appraisal turns out to be negative.

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