
q what is permanent negotiating machinerytwo

Q. What is Permanent Negotiating Machinery?

Two Federation of Union All Indian Railway men's federation (AIRF) & National Federation of Indian Railway (NFIR) men have been recognized by Ministry of Railways. All the Railway units of the unions related to these Federations have also been given recognition.

With a view to maintain contact with the labour to resolve disputes and differences between labour and management and to maintain healthy industrial relations the Railway Board have set up Machinery to have a periodical dialogue with both the recognized Federations which is called PNM.

The machinery functions in three tiers as under: -

i. The Railway Level or Zonal Level :-

At this level meeting between the recognized unions and administration are held at Divisional level/ workshop level and zonal level. The cases which are not decided at Divl. / workshop level are referred at zonal level. PNM meetings with each recognized union at Divl. Level is held once in two months, while at Head quarters level it is held once in a quarter.

ii. The Railway Board level :-

Matters connected with the revision of pay & allowances and other policy matters for bettering service conditions. Which are not decided at zonal level are taken up by the Federation for discussion at Board's level in this forum. PNM meeting at Board's level is held once in a quarter.

iii. The Tribunal level :-

Cases in which agreement is not reached between the Federation and the Railway Board and the matters are of sufficient importance are referred to an adhoc Railway Tribunal composed of representatives from the Railway Administration and Labour presided over by a neutral chairman.

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