Q. What is Compact Disk Recordable?
To accommodate applications in which just one or a small number of copies of a set data is required write-once read-many CD called as CD Recordable (CD-R) has been developed. For CD-R a disk is prepared in such a manner that it can be later written once with a laser beam of modest intensity. Therefore with a somewhat more costly disk controller than for CD-ROM customer can write once and read the disk.
CD-R medium is similar to however not identical to that of a CD or CD-ROM. For CDs and CD-ROMs information is recorded by pitting of surface of medium that changes reflectivity. For a CD-R medium contains a dye layer. Resulting disk can be read on a CD-ROM drive or a CD-R drive.
CD-R optical disk is attractive for archival storage of files and documents. It offers a permanent record of large volumes of user data.