
q what is advertising agencyadvertising industry

Q. What is Advertising Agency?

Advertising Industry engages three major components. Advertiser, Media and advertising agency. The person who makes a decision to advertise the product is called advertiser and sponsor or Clint. Media demotes to the vehicle that carries the message to public. The sponsor habitually relies on some outside experts to perform task involved in launching of the product. These outside specialist business houses are called advertising agency.

Meaning: - Advertising organization is an independent business organization specialized in advertising work which undertakes the work of Preparing, Planning and executing advertising campaign for its clients. It is a body of specialist who specialize in advertising.

Defination:- Acc. to Philip Kotler -Advertising agency is a marketing services firm that assists its client in preparing, planning, implementing and evaluating various activities of advertising campaign. Administration of Ad-agency on Department basis:-

In departmental foundation organization structure a separate department is created for every major advertising function. Every department is headed by a specialist in that particular field.

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