
q what do you mean by careercareer is a term

Q. What do you mean by career?

Career is a term defined by the OXFORD English dictionary as an individual's course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life). It is usually is considered to pertain to remunerative work and sometimes also formal education. A career is traditionally seen as a course successive situation that makes up a person's work life. One can have a supporting career or a musical career without being a professional's athlete or musician but most frequently career in the 20th century reference the series of jobs or positions by which one earned one's money. It tended to the look only at the past. As the idea of personal choice and self direction picks up in the 21st century aided by the power of the internet acceptance of people having multiple kinds of work the idea of a career is shifting from a closed set of achievements like chorological resume of past jobs to a defined set of per suits looking forward. In its broadest sense career refers to an individual's work and life roles over their lifespan. In the relatively static societies before modernism many workers would often inherit or take up a single lifelong position (a place or role) in the work force and the concept of an unfolding career had little or no meaning. With the spend during the spread enlightenment of the idea of progress and of the habits of individualist self betterment career became possible if not expected. Career assessments are tests that come in a variety of forms and relay on both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Career assessments can help individuals identify and better articulate their unique interest values and skills. Career counsellors' executive coaches' career development centres and outplacement companies often administer career assessments to help individuals focus their search on careers that closely match their unique personal profile. Career counselling advisors assess people's interest personality values and skills and also helps then explore career options and research graduate and professionals schools. Career counselling provides one on one group professionals assistance in exploration and decision making and decision making tasks related to choosing a major or occupation transitioning into the world of work of work further professional training. The field is vast and include career placement career planning learning strategies and student development.

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