
q vlsi implementation of control unita main

Q. VLSI Implementation of Control Unit?

A main potential advantage of RISC is VLSI implementation of microprocessor. VLSI Technology has decreased the delays of transfer of information among CPU components which resulted in a microprocessor. The delays across chips are higher than delay within a chip; so it may be a good idea to have rare functions built on a separate chip. RISC chips are designed with this consideration. Generally a typical microprocessor dedicates about half of its area to control store in a micro-programmed control unit. RISC chip dedicates only about 6% of its area to control unit. Another related issue is time taken to implement and design a processor. A VLSI processor is hard to develop because the designer should perform circuit design, layout, and modeling at the device level. With 'reduced instruction set architecture' this processor is far easier to build.

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Computer Engineering: q vlsi implementation of control unita main
Reference No:- TGS0327735

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