
q transition elements of the f-blockthe salient

Q. Transition elements of the f-block?

The salient features of the chemistry of the transition elements of the f-block. Due to filling of electrons in the f-orbitals of an inner shell, these elements are also known as inner-transition elements. The f-block elements comprise two series of Elements the actinide series and the lanthanide series. You will examine that in comparison to the elements of d- block transition series the members of lanthanide series resemble one another much more nearly. They have usually one common stable oxidation state and occur together in the same ores in nature. Due to the similarity in their chemical properties their separation from one another is very hard. Thus special techniques of solvent extraction and ion exchange are employed for their separation. On the other side, the. chemistry of the actinides is quite complicated because they exhibit more than one oxidation state and their radioactivity creates problems in the study of their properties. Though, the actinides do exhibit some similarities with one another and with their lanthanide congeners in a particular oxidation state.

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Chemistry: q transition elements of the f-blockthe salient
Reference No:- TGS0323613

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