Q. Symptoms of dyspepsia?
The life style modification in terms of work schedules, eating behaviour like consuming meals when extremely tired, quitting alcohol and smoking would help lo alleviate the symptoms of dyspepsia. The patient may be counselled with the following handy lips:
• If you smoke, stop smoking.
• If some foods bother your stomach, try to avoid eatingethem.
• Gulping of food should be avoided, slow eating should be encouraged;
• Eat food at least 2 hours before lying down.
• Try to reduce stress.
• If you have acid reflux, don't eat right before bedtime. Raising the head of your bed could help.
• Follow the advice of your doctor for taking antacids and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Gastritis may be as mild to get managed by the help of a acid neutralizer to as severe to result in the development of ulcers.