
q suggestions for the effective employee

Q. Suggestions for the effective employee orientation?

1. The most significant part of the organization is the human side, giving new employees knowledge of what supervisors and co workers like, telling than how long it should take for them to reach an acceptable level of performance and encouraging them to seek help and advice when needed.

2. New employees should be gradually introduced to people with whom they work rather than given a superficial introduction to all of them on the first day. The object should be to help them, get to know their co workers and supervisors name.

3. New employee should be allowed to sufficient time to adapt to a work situation before job demands is increased.

4. Orientation should given with the most relevant kinds or information about they proceed to the more general policies of the enterprise.

5. New employees should be sponsored or directed by an experienced worker or supervisor who can respond to questions and keep in close touch during the early induction period.

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HR Management: q suggestions for the effective employee
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