Q. Show Various RISC Processors?
RISC has fewer design bugs and its simple instructions decrease design time. Sodue to all the above important reasons RISC processors have become very popular. A number of RISC processors are:
SPARC Processors
Sun 4/100 series, Sun 4/310 SPARCserver 310, Sun 4/330 SPARCserver 330, Sun 4/350 SPARCserver 350, Sun 4/360 SPARCserver 360, Sun 4/370 SPARCserver 370, Sun 4/20, SPARCstation SLC, Sun 4/40 SPARCstation IPC, Sun 4/75, SPARCstation 2.
PowerPC Processors
MPC603, MPC740, MPC750, MPC755, MPC7400/7410, MPC745x, MPC7450, MPC8240, MPC8245.
Titanium - IA64 Processor