
q show the workers participation in the

Q. Show the Workers participation in the management?

Industry is now considered as a social institution. The management & employees have equal interests in the survival and the property of the industry. The concept of participation is based on the concept of co partnership in the industry. Participation demands maximum co operation b/w management and workers, volumetric co operation generated from within and not imposed from without. Decisions are taken by employers and employees jointly.

According to the ILO, "worker's participation may broadly, be taken to cover all terms of association of workers and their representatives with the decision making process, ranging from exchange of information, consultants, decisions and negotiations to more institutionalized forms such as the presence of workers member on management or supervisory boards or even management by the workers themselves has practises in Yugoslavia.

According to Dr. V. G. Metres," the concept of participation as a principle of democratic administration of industry sharing the decision making power by the ranks of an industrial organization through their proper representatives at all appropriate levels of management in the entire of managerial action." Participation means co-functioning playing one's part in an integrative unity contributing that entire one is capable to the good of organization. It signifies workers identification with the progress and development of business. Participation rests one two foundation stories co-ordination and understanding and through best communication. The concept of workers participation is viewed through a variety of perspective workers participation in industry is viewed as industrial democracy in action. For worker's participation means in sharing in decision making power with management as co-partner. Worker looks upon it as a tool of gaining equal control over decision making process within the organization. For management participation means joint consultation before decision making.

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HR Management: q show the workers participation in the
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