q show the spawned programinclude

Q. Show the spawned program?

include "pvm3.h"



   int ptid, msgtag;

   char buf[100];

   ptid = pvm_parent();

   strcpy(buf, "hello, world from ");

   gethostname(buf + strlen(buf), 64);

    msgtag = 1;



   pvm_send(ptid, msgtag);



Program is a listing of 'slave' or spawned program its first PVM action is to get the task id of 'master' using pvm_parent call. This program then gets its hostname and sends it to master using three-call sequence - pvm_initsend to start send buffer. Pvm_pkstr to place a string in a strongly typed and architecture independent manner into the send buffer and pvm_send to send it to destination process specified by ptid, 'tagging' the message with number1.

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Computer Engineering: q show the spawned programinclude
Reference No:- TGS0313266

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