
q show the objectives of interviews1to get an

Q. Show the Objectives of interviews?

1. To get an opportunity to judge an applicant's, qualifications and characteristics as a basis for sound selection and placement. On the basis of the information obtained about the family background, training, educational and other qualifications, personality, characteristics, aptitude, interests and skills of an applicant's the interviewer tries to arrive at as impartial a decision as possible. He may decide to hire him, to reject him or to pass him to another step in the interview if it is not the final one. These types of interviews are referred to as selection or placement interviews.

2. To give an applicant essential facts about the job and the company (nature and hours of work, medical requirements opportunities for advancement, special hazards, employee benefits and services, company, policies, etc.) in order to enable him to decide intelligently whether he should or should not accept the employment.

3. To establish a rapport, or a feeling of mutual understanding and confidence, between the personnel department and the applicant who is to be employed.

4. To promote goodwill towards the company whether the interview culminates in the employment or not.

5. Interviewing is an invaluable tool of disciplinary action, grievance handling and relations person or discussing a grievance with a superior.

6. To solve problem as when counselling a student conferring with a career guidance person.

7. To get a real feel of the candidate, observe his appearance, mannerisms, confidence, and typical ways of reacting to questions of the various sorts.

8. To find out why a leaving the company and seeking job elsewhere. Such interviews are called exit or termination interviews.

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HR Management: q show the objectives of interviews1to get an
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