
q show the general taxonomic indexesthe indexes

Q. Show the General Taxonomic Indexes?

The indexes serve as an aid to locate quickly the source of origin31 publications of a name, to learn if a particular name has been applied to a plant or to which order, family subfamily or tribe a plant of a given name may belong. The important indexes to vascular plants are as follows:

i) Index Kewensis Plantarum Phanerogamarum 2 vols, 18 suppl. Oxford, 1893-1985 This work is a corner stone to the literature on the systematic of flowering plants. The compilation of original work was made possible by a gift of money by Charles Darwin. It was compiled at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew by B+D. Jackson and his clerical assistants under the direction of J.D. I-looker. Index Kewensis is the reference employed to determine the source of the original publications of a generic name or Binomial of a seed plant.

ii) Gray Herbarium Card Index, Cambridge, Mass : USA. A Card Index issued quarterly to subscribes accounting for all new names and new combinations applied in any category to the flowering plants and pteridophytes of the Western hemisphere.

iii) Genera Siphonogamarum : Berlin 1900-1907. This work edited by C.G. Dalla Torrey and H. Harms, accounts in one volume for the names published for families and genera of spermatophytes. Orders and families are arranged essentially according to Engler System and under each family name are given the names of sub families, tribes etc, together with the names of genera assigned to each; under each genus is indicated the number of species described in it. With the names in each category are given the appropriate author citation source and date of publication and synonyms.

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Biology: q show the general taxonomic indexesthe indexes
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