
q show the characteristics of distribution

Q. Show the Characteristics of Distribution Channels?

Characteristics of Distribution Channels: Distribution channels are able to be classified on the basis of geographical distribution of goods or services of advertiser. Distribution channels possibly classified as local distributor as well regional distributors or national distributors and international distributors.

a) Local Distributor: If the product is elect distributed nearby or regionally then media with local coverage and reach must be considered like local newspaper and cable network etc.

b) National Distributors: If product is distributed on the national level then media with national coverage like as national dailies (newspaper) national-level-T.V channels will be suitable.

c) International Distributors: If the product is chosen to sold at international level then media having reach as well as circulation in foreign countries will be effective example Internet and Magazines with circulation in foreign countries T.V channels having international coverage like B.B.C must be considered. If number of dealers is less subsequently direct-mail- media can also be selected.

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Marketing Management: q show the characteristics of distribution
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