
q show features of effective interviewfeatures of

Q. Show Features of effective interview?

Features of effective interview: there are certain features which should generally be followed, if interview is to serve as an effective tool of selection. These are:

1. Interviewers should be a certain status, standing and experience. They should be in the know of the requirements of the job for which interviews and conducted, and be familiar with the background of the organization and industry which they represent.

2. Skilful interviewing is an art and like all other arts, requires training and experience. It is learnt better by practise than by reading a book.

3. The interviewers should not begin the interview without thoroughly studying the relevant data about the candidate from the application blank, and the tests and preliminary interviews through which he has gone before. The interviewers should clearly understand what the job entails and what its requirements are?

4. The interviewers should know what more accurately assessed during interviews than others. These include "intelligence" personnel relations aptitude and especially motivation to work.

5. The coverage of factual information should from the main objective of the interview. Such coverage is of greater value than any attempt to search for the personnel qualities. It should emphasize on:
a. Reliance of education of the job specifications.
b. Reasons for the gap in the educational and employment history of the applicant
c. Reasons for choosing special courses in the schools and colleges;
d. Division or grades obtained and academic achievements, reasons for failure

6. The time of the interview should be consumed in collecting routine information, which can be conventionally gathered from the application blank or verified from the applicant's former employer or from his school, records and documents certificate etc.

7. The interview should be diligently delimited for it is often the only feasible way of eliciting the required information about the candidate.

8. An interview should be made more reliable and more valid, the interviews should guard required against being unduly prejudiced or coloured by their own personality or pet theories.

9. The candidate should be allowed to talk extensively so that he may unburden himself to the point at which nothing important or relevant is left unsaid, and a fair assessment can be made of his ability. Generally 25 to 30 minutes are sufficient for semi skilled or skilled applicants.

10. An interviewer should avoid too much talking. A good working ration for an interviewer is to talk for not more time than 25 per cent of the time and to listen for 75 per cent of the time. The best interview is usually one which the interviewer talks the least.

11. He should avoid derogatory comments and refrain from any revealing facial or verbal expression, he should not voice criticism or moralize, he should attempt to show understanding and smoothly pass on to another topic when any unfavourable information is uncovered or if the applicant is unable to answer a question.

12. If the interviewer is to be objective in the decision making he must be careful to correct irrational feelings of a negative or positive kind.

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