q set up to use parallel virtual machinepvm

Q. Set up to Use parallel virtual machine?

PVM employs two environment variables when starting and running. Each and every PVM user needs to set these two variables to employ PVM. The first variable is PVM_ROOT that is set to location of the installed pvm3 directory. The second variable is PVM_ARCH that tells PVM the architecture of this host. The most convenient method is to set these two variables in your .cshrc file. Here is an illustration for setting PVM_ROOT: 

setenv PVM_ROOT $HOME/pvm3

The user can set PVM_ARCH by concatenating to the file .cshrc, the content of file $PVM_ROOT/lib/cshrc.stub.

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Computer Engineering: q set up to use parallel virtual machinepvm
Reference No:- TGS0313232

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