Q. Routines which handle dynamic processes?
number of routines which handle dynamic processes:
- int pvm_joingroup( char *group )
Enrolls calling process in a named group. group is a name of an existing group. Returns instance number. Instance numbers starts from 0 to number of group members minus 1. In PVM 3 a task can join more than one group. If a process leaves a group but then rejoins it that process may get a different instance number.
- int info = pvm_lvgroup( char *group )
Unenrolls calling process from a named group.
- int pvm_gettid( char *group, int inum )
Returns the tid of a process recognized by instance number and group name.
- int pvm_getinst( char *group, int tid )
Returns instance number in a group of PVM process.
- int size = pvm_gsize( char *group )
Returns number of members presently in named group.
int pvm_barrier( char *group, int count )
Blocks calling process till all processes in a group have called it. count species the number of group members which must call pvm_barrier before they are all released.