
q role of exercise and drugs in management of

Q. Role of Exercise and Drugs in management of diabetes?

Aerobic exercise for at least 20-30 minutes four or more times a week is recommended. Exercise after meals is preferred. There are many benefits of exercise particularly for type 2 diabetes. It:

- lowers or eliminates the need for insulin drugs,

- decreases insulin resistance,

- helps in weight loss and maintenance of decreased weight,

- lowers the triglyceride and increases the HDL levels,

- improves circulation throughout the body,

- reduces stress, and

- reduces high blood pressure.


When diet, exercise or even weight reduction do not improve the diabetic symptoms and blood sugar levels, the uses of hypoglycemia drugs become necessary. Oral hypoglycemia drugs are generally recommended to NIDDM, patients. Several types of oral drugs are available. They work by sti mulating the pancreas to release additional insulin or to help the cells of the body to utilize the insulin properly.

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Biology: q role of exercise and drugs in management of
Reference No:- TGS0311391

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