
q role of carbohydrates in dyslipidemiait is

Q. Role of Carbohydrates in dyslipidemia?

It is important to know about these carbohydrates, as they all differ in their digestive properties. The rate of absorption is variable. Monosaccharides gel absorbed the astest and polysaccharides get absorbed the slowest. This is because polysaccharides contain more fibre. The latter are good for many disorders like intestinal diseases, diabetes and even cardiac problems. Fibre is beneficial for cardiovascular disease and is found as water-insoluble and water-soluble type.

Soluble fibers like pectin's, gums and mucilages have shown reduction in cholesterol levels. Intake of about 20-40 g of soluble fibre has proven to be beneficial. As you can see, legumes, oats, whole grains, fruits (apples, pears, and citrus fruits), and vegetables along with psyllium (isabgol) are a rich source of soluble fibre. Soya beans are a good source of fibre and soya proteins have estrogenic effect, which causes of lipid lowering. A recent analysis of 38 completed trials showed the beneficial effects of soya protein to be in the amount of 47g/day.

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Biology: q role of carbohydrates in dyslipidemiait is
Reference No:- TGS0311111

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