
q planning and research in power systemenergy

Q. Planning and Research in power system?

Energy research worldwide is assuming top priority, in particular because of economic, en - vironmental, and resource constraints. DOE (Department of Energy) was established in the United States in 1977. A major private utility sponsored energy research organization, EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) in Palo Alto, California, has been in existence since 1972. In addition, large utility companies, such as AEP (American Electric Power), have their own research programs.

The major goals for the future are:

• New primary resources (such as nuclear fusion and solar energy) for electric bulk power generation

• Development of better means of generation (such as superconducting generators) and transmission (such as six-phase)

• Emphasis on energy conservation (better utilization of electricity with less waste)

• Electric-energy storage facilities such as pumped storage, compressed gas, storage batteries, and superconducting magnetic coils.

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Electrical Engineering: q planning and research in power systemenergy
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