
q photosynthesis rate varies as per to the photic

Q. Photosynthesis rate varies as per to the photic energy intensity. Does the same take place in aerobic respiration? What do happen to the glucose balance as a result of these variations?

In a photosynthetic being the aerobic respiration rate can be inferior, superior or equal to the photosynthesis rate, Respiration rate depends on the energetic needs of the plant while the photosynthesis rate varies, as other conditions are sustain, with the variation of light energy.

In a situation in which the respiration rate is larger than the photosynthesis rate glucose consumption is higher than glucose production. In a situation in which the respiration rate is lower than photosynthesis rate there is build up of glucose positive balance. In a situation in which the rates are equal all molecular oxygen produced by the photosynthesis process is used in respiration and all carbon dioxide liberated by respiration is consumed in photosynthesis and so there is no positive balance of glucose or depletion of carbohydrate stores.

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Biology: q photosynthesis rate varies as per to the photic
Reference No:- TGS0290326

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