
q percentage ratio of ash in honeystandards allow

Q. Percentage ratio of ash in honey?

Standards allow ash content in honey up to 0.5 per cent, but the ash of genuine honey seldom exceeds 0.35 per cent. It is determined by charring, preferably under an infrared lamp followed by ashing at 600ºC and very recently, this measurement is replaced by measurement of electric conductivity. This measurement depends on the ash and acid content of honey - the higher their content, the higher the resulting conductivity. Extensive conductivity data published on thousands of commercial honeys suggest that blossom honeys, mixtures of blossom and honey dew honeys should have conductivity less than 0.8 milli Siemens/cm.

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Biology: q percentage ratio of ash in honeystandards allow
Reference No:- TGS0292509

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