
q meaning of gestational diabetes mellitusin this

Q. Meaning of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?

In this type of diabetes, increased blood sugar level is first diagnosed or recognized during pregnancy. Women are not known as diabetic before pregnancy. The blood sugar level comes to normal after delivery. Some women may continue to have high blood sugar levels (30%) in the next pregnancy or in later years. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance of any severity that has its onset or is first recognized during pregnancy. As we discussed in early part of this section, already diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus or IGT patient do not come in this group. However, undiagnosed diabetic patients can come in this group.

During pregnancy, plasma glucose level decreases in the fasting state. It increases in the post meal state. Various placental hormones like progesterone and human placental lactogens secreted during pregnancy cause decreased insulin sensitivity and increases blood glucose level. Normally, this is counteracted by increase in secretion of insulin. When this mechanism fails, GDM develops during pregnancy.

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Biology: q meaning of gestational diabetes mellitusin this
Reference No:- TGS0353396

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