
q leadership and performancein the last few

Q. Leadership and performance?

In the last few decades much attention has been given to theories of leadership in the organizations. Leadership is considered to have a major influence on the performance of organizations, managers and employees. Early theories tried to define effective leadership styles. More recently, researchers have focused mainly on the subordinate's perspective. This perspective was suggested by Burns and Bass and was called the transformational leadership theory. The theory claims that transformational leadership has positive effect on the employee's attitudes towards their job and their job environment, and ultimately affects their work performance. Consequently studies have also pointed to organizational politics as an important antecedent of employee's performance. Organizational policies relates of fairness and justice in the work place. Other studies describe organizational politics as a power game and influence tactics designed to achieve the best outcomes for the user. This phenomenon occurs frequently in the business organizations and different studies emphasize its importance for understanding the performance of both the individual and the organization. Theory about the relationship between the leadership and employee's performance and argues that organizational politics mediates in this leadership.

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HR Management: q leadership and performancein the last few
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