
q investigation of aortic regurgitation by

Q. Investigation of aortic regurgitation by Exercise Testing?

It is helpful in assessing functional capacity, symptom status and hemodynamic effects in patients with severe AR with good LV function and equivocal symptoms or when patient leads sedentary life. Exercise ejection fraction, when abnormal may predict, poor long term out come. However, it is not clear if it has any independent additional predictive valve over and above LV size and function. It is not particularly indicated in patients with normal LV systolic function without severe LV dilatation.

Radionuclide ventriculography may be used in place of echocardiography where echo window is not suitable to assess LV size and function satisfactorily or when the echocardiographic data is inconclusive. It is also useful in serial follow up of patients.

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Biology: q investigation of aortic regurgitation by
Reference No:- TGS0289291

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