Q. Initialize new PVM processes?
pvm_spawn( char *task, char **argv, int flag, char *where, int ntask, int *tids )
Initialize new PVM processes. Task a character string is executable file name of PVM process to be initialized. The executable should already exist on the host on that it is to be started. Argv is a pointer to an array of arguments to task. If the executable requires no arguments then second argument to pvm_spawn is NULL. Flag Integer specifies spawn options, Where a character string indicating where to begin the PVM process. If flag is 0 then where is ignored and PVM shall select the most suitable host. ntask, an integer which specifies number of copies of executable to begin. Tids , Integer array of length ntask returns the tids of PVM processes initialized by this pvm_spawn call. The function returns actual number of processes returned. Negative values points to error.