
q important herbariathe herbarium is a place

Q. Important Herbaria?

The herbarium is a place where dried and mounted specimens are stored according to any recognised system of classification. Special attention is paid towards the protection of specimens and also type specimens from all sorts of insects, dust, moisture and other external injuries. Herbaria provide information about collected plants in various forms viz. recorded notes, photographs and hand drawn designs. All the herbaria are associated with Botanic Gardens.

For your information some important ,herbaria are mentioned below:

1) Herbarium.of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surray, Great Britain

2) Herbarium of British Museums (Natural History), London, Britain.

3) Herbarium of New York Botanical Garden, New York, U.S.A.

4) Herbarium of Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.

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Biology: q important herbariathe herbarium is a place
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