
q importance of primary prevention of diabetes

Q. Importance of Primary prevention of diabetes mellitus ?

Primary prevention has been found to be cost effective in the long run as it reduces unwarranted human suffering. Prevention will be of great benefit to societies and governments as it will lead to reduction in health care costs. Most chronic diseases require long term medications and health care.

Non communicable diseases are caused by a set of risk factors like tobacco usage, alcohol consumption, low fruit and vegetable intake, physical inactivity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and overweight. These risk factors lead to a variety of illnesses like coronary heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases.

Many chronic non-communicable diseases like diabetes if tackled early can be prevented or delayed in occurrence and complications can also be prevented. Diabetes can be tackled better in the community and home setting by lifestyle modifications.

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Biology: q importance of primary prevention of diabetes
Reference No:- TGS0328638

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