
q illustrate natural and phylogenetic

Q. Illustrate Natural and Phylogenetic Classification?

Natural Classification

Natural systems of classification reflect the situation as it might have existed in nature. This clearly means that all the plant existing today are related and should be grouped together to form a natural group. The system of Bentham and Hooker is a good example of Natural System of Classification.

Phylogenetic Classification

phylogenetic systems of classification are those where the plants are classified according to their evolutionary tendencies. It may be pointed out clearly that due to incomplete fossil records it is not possible to claim a system as a perfect phylogenetic one. The phylogenetic classification is usually designed on the basis of natural classification. Thus there is an overlapping in practice. The systems of classification proposed by Engler and Prantl (1887-1915), Hutchinson (1926-34), (1959 and 1973) and Takhtajan (1964,1969,1973 and 1980) are the excellent examples of phylogenetic classification.

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Biology: q illustrate natural and phylogenetic
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