Q. Illustrate goal of modern dentistry?
The goal of modern dentistry is to restore the patient to normal contour, comfort, function, esthetics, speech and health regardless of the atrophy, disease or injury of the stomatognathic system.As a result of continued advancements in treatment planning, implant designs, materials and techniques the predictable results are now a reality in challenging clinical situations. The success can be achieved only if each and every case/patient is properly diagnosed, planned and well executed. Principles of osseointegration and correct surgical protocol should be followed for the successful implant treatment. In this unit we have revised the basic mechanism of osseointegration and differentiation of osseointegration from fibroosseus integration using parameters of pain or tenderness around implant, Rigid fixation checked by the mobility scale or periotest and resonance frequency analysis, Percussion, Bone loss evaluation by Radiographs and checking the bleeding index and probing depth around one stage implants.