
q how to collecting and interpreting

Q. How to Collecting and interpreting data?


Collecting and interpreting data is the most important job of a statistician. There are many types of studies and different ways to gather information. When a statistician decides to begin a study, they must try to create a procedure that will help them find results with great accuracy. The more specific a result, the more valuable the study results are.

Before we look more deeply into good data collection techniques, there are a few terms that you should be familiar with.

Population: A collection, or set, of objects or individuals whose properties are to be investigated.

Think of a group of people, animals or objects; for example all German females between the age of 10 and 15.

Sample: A subset of a population. The sample might also be called the sample population.
A sample consists of individuals or objects selected from the population. For example, a sample of all 10th grade students in the United States might be all 10th grade males in Arkansas.

Response Variable: A characteristic of interest about each element of a population or sample. The response variable is often just called the variable

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