
q having completed the basics of the memory

Q. Having completed the basics of the memory system, we turn not to issues involving memory. One important issue is the reliability of memory. If you haven't already, please check out WebLink 7.6, online exhibits, and Common Cents. Were you accurate in selecting the penny? The vast majority of people select the wrong penny despite having years of experience with pennies. You should also take time to look at the link on If You're Going to Rob a Bank. Take time to look through WebLink 7.4 on Elizabeth Loftus. She is a highly respected, premier researcher in the area of memory and its reliability. Be sure to read through the article "Misinformation and Memory". Follow that with some of her work on repressed memories. After completing your readings on the WebLink, the textbook, and the PowerPoint presentation, address the prompts for your assignment:

What is the misinformation effect? How does it work?

What are repressed memories?

Based upon the data, do you believe in repressed memories?

How reliable is memory?

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Physics: q having completed the basics of the memory
Reference No:- TGS0449916

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