
q hand washing in sterilization processhand

Q. Hand Washing in sterilization process?

Hand washing is considered the single most important measure to reduce the risk of transmitting organisms to patients and HCWs (health care workers). The purpose of washing is twofold: to reduce the both transient and resident flora for the duration of a procedure to protect the operator in the event that there is non-intact skin on the hand. Additionally, in the event that the gloves become non-intact during the procedure (unknown to the operator), this reduces the numbers of organisms to which the patient will become exposed.

Although hand washing depends primarily on a mechanical effect and any liquid soap* is acceptable, because skin bacteria can rapidly multiply under gloves if hands are washed with soap that is not antimicrobial, thorough hand washing with a chemically active anti-microbial soap is recommended. Bar soaps are discouraged. For persons with chapped hands, consultation with a dermatologist and use of emollients is recommended.

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Biology: q hand washing in sterilization processhand
Reference No:- TGS0326994

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