
q explain principal of natural justice principal

Q. Explain Principal of natural justice ?

Principal of natural justice: before taking disciplinary action against a worker, management must hold a domestic enquiry, following the principal of natural justice. The principal of natural justice states that no more shall be held guilty an opportunity to explain his point of view. It states that the worker be given a fair chance to meet the charges lay against him properly. In other words, the purpose of the rule of natural justice is to safe guard the position of the person against whom an enquiry is being conducted. Thus no man shall be condemned unheard and be the judge in his own cause. This is the essence of the principal of natural justice. The principal of natural justice are listed below:

1. The worker charged should be given an opportunity to present witnesses of his own choice on whom he relies.

2. The workers should be given the right to cross examine management evidence.

3. The evidence of the management should be taken in the worker's presence.

4. No material should be against the worker without giving him an opportunity to explain.

5. The enquiry against the worker should be fair and conducted by an impartial person.

6. The punishment awarded should not be out of proportion to the misconduct committed.

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