
q explain net present value methodnet present

Q. Explain Net Present Value Method?

Net Present Value (NPV) Method: - This process measures the Present value of returns per rupee invested. In this method present value of Institute of IT & Management cash outflows and cash inflows is computed and the present value of cash outflow is subtracted from the present value of cash inflows. The difference is described as NPV.

NPV= PV of Inflow - PV of Outflow


NPV = [(Cash inflow in 1st year x PVF 1) + (Cash inflow in 2nd year x PVF 2) + (Cash

inflow in 3rdyear x PVF 3) +-----------(Cash inflow in nth year XPVFn)] - [Initial cash outflow X PVF 0]

PVF1 = Present Value Factor in 1st year

PVF2 = Present value factor in 2nd year and so on.

If PVF is not given, we may calculate NPV as follows:


NPV = [Cash inflow in 1st year X 1/(1+r)1 ] + [Cash inflow in 2nd year X 1/(1+r) 2] +

[Cash inflow in 3rd year X 1/(1+r)3 ] +--------[Cash inflow in nth year X 1/(1+r)n ] - [Initial Cash outflow X 1/(1+r)0]

Accept-Reject Criteria:-

  • If NPV is positive the project possibly accepted
  • If NPV is negative the project mayn't be accepted.
  • If NPV is zero the project may be accepted merely if non-financial benefits are there.

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Financial Management: q explain net present value methodnet present
Reference No:- TGS0328595

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