
q explain form and input taga good way to learn

Q. Explain FORM and INPUT Tag?

A good way to learn about forms is to make use your notepad editor and make a new HTML document. Save it as form1.htm in some folder somewhere. You may want to create a separate folder for learning this tag. Start up your browser. Use it to open form1.html as well as run Notepad and browser side by side. Hence you can create your pages and almost instantly see the results of your work. Remember to hit refresh button on your browser.

Next we should tell the browser where to send data we gather and how to send it.

There are two methods you can do this.

1)  You can send the data to a cgi script or use some other mechanism for processing

2)  You can have the data emailed to you. First option is outside the scope of discussion.

Second, or mailto, form should have the below attributes in <FORM>tag.

Note: Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.0 doesn't support mailto forms. When you try to submit information, new mail message window pops up. It does support forms sent to a CGI script.






<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="mailto:[email protected]"





The line containing mailto keyword in the Figure is very noteworthy. The only thing you have to do is specify your email address after mailto: Rest should be written exactly as demonstrated. The words FORM, METHOD, POST and ACTION don't have to be capitalized but there should be a space between every two attributes, between FORM and METHOD, between POST and ACTION, and between email address and ENCTYPE.

Some mail programs are capable of converting data without needing a separate program. You might want to try this method first. Just remove instruction.

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