
q explain cardiac calcificationpericardial

Q. Explain Cardiac calcification?


Calcium is most dense in the atrioventricular grooves and is seen as thick oblique circles or arcs of calcification. From the grooves, calcification spreads over the surface of the atria/ventricles. Calcium localized to the left AV groove may be mistaken for mitral valve calcification. Pericardial calcification is better seen on a lateral view.

Aortic Valve

This valve lies in the centre of the heart, so that calcification overlaps the spine on the anterior view. On the lateral view, it lies midway between the anterior and posterior cardiac borders, largely anterior to a line drawn from the tracheal bifurcation to the anterior costophrenic angle. As the two sides of diaphragm are rarely at the same level, the lower reference pt should be midway between the domes.

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Biology: q explain cardiac calcificationpericardial
Reference No:- TGS0289101

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