
q explain about subscriber loops signallingin a

Q. Explain about Subscriber loops signalling?

In a telephone network, subscriber loop signal linger lies upon the kind of a telephone instrument used. The intra exchange signalling is internal to switching system and is heavily dependent upon the design and type of a switching system. It differs from one model to another even with same manufacturer. This signalling doesn't involve signalling system of the type required on the switching network. When inter exchange signalling occurs between exchanges with common control subsystems, it's known as Inter register signalling. Main purpose of Inter register signalling is exchange of address digits that pass from exchange to exchange on a link by link basis. Network wide signalling also involves end to end signalling between originating exchange and terminating exchange. Such a form of signalling is known as line signalling. CCS doesn't use the speech or data path for signalling. It employs a separate common channel for passing control signals for a group of trunks or information paths.

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Electrical Engineering: q explain about subscriber loops signallingin a
Reference No:- TGS0331987

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