
q explain about coronaru heart diseasescoronary

Q. Explain about Coronaru Heart Diseases?

Coronary heart disease is a broad term comprising of a spectrum of diseases associated with disorders of the circulation, heart muscles or the vessels of the heart in particular. We all come across certain common terms associated with heart disease which are very often used inter-changeably. You must have heard of terms such as coronary heart disease, coronary artery disease, and ischemic heart disease being used synonymously. But have you ever realized that they do not mean exactly the same. Well, the term coronary heart disease as discussed above encompasses all the diseases of the heart i.e. those associated with the blood, circulation, as well as, the structure. Coronary artery disease (CkD) refers to diseases of the arteries, generally resulting from blockage of the arteries. Ischemic heart diseases (IHD) are usually a consequence of coronary artery diseases such as myocardial infarction is a consequence of progressive atherosclerosis. We shall be using these terms in this unit. The diseases of the heart mentioned above can be congenital or acquired. In this unit, we shall discuss about the acquired forms of CHD i.e. those, which develop as a result of dietary errors or sedentary life-style practices. The major forms include dyslipidemias, atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, congestive cardiac failure and rheumatic heart disease. The cardiovascular diseases are of prime importance as we see that the incidence of these diseases is rising at an enormous rate are going to account for an appreciable proportion of mortality and morbidity in the adults and now appearing in the young.

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Biology: q explain about coronaru heart diseasescoronary
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