Q. Etiological factor of peptic ulcer?
Peptic ulcer results when the neural and hormonal abnormality disrupts the factors that normally maintain mucosal integrity and permit proteolylic and acidic erosion of the mucosal tissue.
Let us learn about the factors, which damage or protect the mucosa.
Duodenal ulcers occur in a 3 mm space between the duodenal bulbs in an area immediately below the pylorus where the gastric juices are not neutralized. It can be attributed to a number of factors:
• H, pylori infection is strongly implicated which has a damaging effect on the mucosal defence thereby increasing the vulnerability to ulceration,
• Increased number of parietal cells or acid secretion.
• Increased gastric emptying rates.
• Reduced ability of the duodenum to handle an acid load
• Stress (physical and mental)
• Excessive use of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and corticosteroids.