Q. Elucidate the circumstances that led to the rise of Count Cavour and his Achievements
a. Cavour was responsible for the rise of the kingdom of Sardinia - Piedmont; Italy's unification was brought out under the Sardinia's leadership; It was made a modern liberal state
b. He had served in the Sardinian army; He was a liberal man; Had a practical bent of mind. Had understood the importance of the scientific & technological changes of his time
c. He founded a newspaper in which the proposed mode rate reforms & Italian unity; Elected to the chamber of deputies where he made an immediate impact; He was made minister of Agriculture & Commerce; became PM
d. Modeled his welfare state on the English liberal models A flourishing commerce & industry was established; Tariffs were reduced, factories were built & the use of machinery encouraged; Expanded roads & the railways
e. Believed in individual liberty - in economic, political and social matters; Believed in equality Taxes were equally distributed; He was a pragmatist & hence was willing to seek the support of different parties