
q elucidate the circumstances that led to the

Q. Elucidate the circumstances that led to the rise of Count Cavour and his Achievements

a. Cavour was responsible for the rise of the kingdom of Sardinia - Piedmont; Italy's unification was brought out under the Sardinia's leadership; It was made a modern liberal state 

b. He had served in the Sardinian army; He was a liberal man; Had a practical bent of mind. Had understood the importance of the scientific & technological changes of his time 

c. He founded a newspaper in which the proposed mode rate reforms & Italian unity; Elected to the chamber of deputies where he made an immediate impact; He was made minister of Agriculture & Commerce; became PM 

d. Modeled his welfare state on the English liberal models A flourishing commerce & industry was established; Tariffs were reduced, factories were built & the use of machinery encouraged; Expanded roads & the railways 

e. Believed in individual liberty - in economic, political and social matters; Believed in equality Taxes were equally distributed; He was a pragmatist & hence was willing to seek the support of different parties

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History: q elucidate the circumstances that led to the
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