Q. Effect of substituting emulsifying agents?
i) Make A starch gel with ½ T (tablespoon) of cornstarch add ½ cup of water. Cool the gel. Take 2 T of this gel and add it to the egg yolks with all the other ingredients except oil, and mix together. Add oil as in A (iv) and follow procedure till A (vi). Keep sample aside.
ii) Prepare a gel using 2T gelatin in ½ cup water and cool to room temperature. Use 1T of gel to make the emulsion as in (i) above. Keep sample aside.
iii) Substitute egg white for yolk and proceed as in A (i-vi). Keep sample aside.
iv) Substitute whole egg for yolk and proceed as in A (i-vi). Keep sample aside.
D) Effect of temperature of ingredients on formation of emulsion
i) Add vinegar and seasoning to egg yolk at room temperature, then mix and refrigerate till cold. Keep the oil for some time in the fridge too. Remove from fridge and note the temperature of the mixture and oil. Place bowl in ice and add cold oil as in experiment A till ready. Keep aside.
ii) Heat oil and vinegar separately to 100ºC. Combine the ingredients as in ‘A' till ready. Keep aside for assessment.