
q displaying the list of files with diryou can

Q. Displaying the List of Files with DIR?

You can display the list of files kept in a diskette or hard disk with the DIR commend. This Commends list files and sub directories in a disks directory on the desktop. Alongside the file name, DIR also list other information about files, such as files size (in bytes) and date and time of creation/last up date of files. It also displays the number of files listed, total bytes available by the listed files as well as free space available on the disk. Let us list files from the default drive.

Against the prompt message (A>or C :\>) type DIR and press Enter.

The DIR command shows the list of files available in the default drive. In the directory listing, the first column indicates files and directories available in the disk. Notice that DOS shows < DIR > against directories. If your disk has no directories, (your DOS disk may not have any directory), you will not get any

entry in your list. For every file names, DIR also shows extension names, it used. DIR also shows size and date and time of formation or last update for all files and directories. At the last of the list, it shows the number of files listed, bytes used in these files and bytes remaining on the disk.

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Computer Engineering: q displaying the list of files with diryou can
Reference No:- TGS0311784

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