
q discipline and girevance proceduremeaning amp

Q. Discipline and girevance procedure?

Meaning & definition: discipline is an inevitable correlate of organization. It may be defined as an attitude of mind which aims at inculcating restraint, orderly behaviour and respect for and willing obedience to a recognized authority. In any industry, discipline is a useful tool for developing, improving and stabilizing the personality of workers. Industrial discipline is essential for the smooth running of the organization, for increasing production and productivity, for the maintenance of industrial peace and for the prosperity of the industry and the nation. It is a process of multifarious ringing advantages to the organizational and its employees.

According to the Richard D. Calhoon, "discipline may be considered as a force that prompts individuals or groups to observe the rules, regulations and procedures which are deemed to be necessary for the effective functioning of an organization".

According to E. R. Brambled," discipline in the broad sense means orderliness the opposite of confusion.............. It does not mean a strict and technical observance of rigid and regulations. It simply means working, cooperating and behaving in a normal and orderly way as any responsible person would expect an employee to do".

According to Ordway Tead, "discipline is the orderly conduct of affairs by the members of an organization who adhere to its necessary regulations because they desire to co operate harmoniously in forwarding the end which the group has in view and willingly recognize that, to do this, their wishes must be brought into a reasonable union with the requirements of the group in action".

According to M.J. Juices, discipline is said to be good when the employees willingly follow the rules of their superiors and their supply and their company. Discipline is said to be bad when employees either follow rules unwillingly or actually disobey regulations (the necessary correction action)".

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HR Management: q discipline and girevance proceduremeaning amp
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