
q determine the taste threshold for different

Q. Determine the taste threshold for different sensations?

• perceive the individual differences existing for taste stimulation, and

• identify your own threshold and identification level for different taste stimulations.


Sensitivity threshold test: Sensitivity tests are used to assess the ability of an individual to detect the different tastes, odour and feel the presence of specific factors e.g. astringency tests are used to select and train panel members for evaluating the quality of products containing spices, salt, acid and sugar. For this purpose, threshold tests for the recognition of basic tastes or odours are employed for selecting the panel members.

These are two different taste thresholds. These include:

1) Stimulation threshold: In this state, the panel member recognizes the taste to be different from pure water but is unable to identify the taste due to dilution.

2) Identifiable threshold: Here the panel member is able to identify the taste quality as the taste is pronounced. The panel members are supplied with a series of beakers containing the increasing concentration of substances with 1 of 4 primary tastes. The member will start with beaker no. 1 and continue to taste the solution in other beakers in the increasing numerical order.


Now carry out the activity step-by-step as enumerated herewith:

1) Prepare different concentration of sugar (sweet), salt (salty) and citric acid (sour) as mentioned in the materials required.

2) The beakers should be placed in the increasing order of concentration.

3) The individual members tasting different concentrations should be having plain distilled water after each tasting.

4) The individual should mark their stimulation threshold and identifiable threshold in the observation table

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Chemistry: q determine the taste threshold for different
Reference No:- TGS0292787

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